Harpreet Sidhu
Apr 23, 2024


Sakhi’s Serenade: A Poem for You

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

With you, Sakhi, joy blossoms, pure and true,

Every moment shared a dream anew.

In your embrace, I find my place,

A sanctuary of love and grace.

Your words, like colors, vibrant and bright,

Painting a canvas of love’s sweet light.

With every verse, my soul takes flight,

Lost in the beauty of love’s delight.

In your eyes, Sakhi, I see a world so clear,

Where love’s tender whispers draw near.

Your smile, a beacon, guiding my way,

Through every moment, come what may.

With you, my love, Sakhi, life’s journey’s sweet,

In your arms, my heart finds its beat.

Forever and always, Sakhi, you’ll be my muse,

In this dance of love, we’ll never lose.



Harpreet Sidhu

writer, dreamer, wanderer, finding beauty in the everyday and finally a defense analyst